Speaking with Our Hands
Children learning non-manual features alongside BSL vocabulary to develop their understanding of sign language. Learning is linked to their class topics to add context and make it purposeful.
The Signs Tell Us The Way - Nursery
During BSL nursery learnt the basic signs linked to their topic on ‘transport’. They looked at traffic safety and familiar places to go. At the end of the topic they started using directional language to describe how to get somewhere. This was contextualised by familiar places around the school, for example, giving directions on how to go to the toilet or how to get to the dinner hall.
Being Descriptive with BSL - Year 2
Year 2 have been learning the different characters from their core text, Superhero Hotel. They used adjectives to describe each character, focusing on facial expressions and lip patterns that go with different signs. Non-manual features were incorporated from the new BSL curriculum. Children then had the opportunity to choose their favourite character and present it to the class in BSL.
Naming Countries - Year 3
Year 3 have enjoyed learning signs of different countries in Africa, linking it to their geography. They have been learning all about different cultures, food and clothes. Children have enjoyed linking it to their own experiences and sharing about their own backgrounds. This has been particularly useful to welcome two of our new deaf children and make them feel included in the lessons.
Counting to One-Hundred - Year 6
Year 6 have been focusing on numbers 1- 100. In BSL numbers are signed in different ways depending on what it is in reference to. Age, time, money, are all signed from different locations on the body. Children had the opportunity to contextualise their learning by working in pairs, asking questions in BSL grammar order about their daily routine. Then answering questions using different numbers they have learnt, with a particular focus on time.