“Signed”, Sealed, Delivered
The photos below show the range of activities that deaf children take part in through their time at James Wolfe. It also highlights the importance of an individualised approach to planning and delivery to ensure that every child’s need is met. Interventions are well planned and resourced. Children are integrated as much as possible into mainstream. The centre provides a specialised curriculum with a nurturing atmosphere to allow children with language delay to make accelerated progress.
Fingerspelling and Letters - Nursery
Nursery have settled in well and are making hearing friends. We are learning how to fingerspell our name. Here a centre child is engaged in an activity - finding the magnetic letters to spell out his name. He enjoyed arranging the letters in alphabetical order: a/b/c/d/e/f/g.
Shape Coding and Grammar - KS1
In Centre 1, we have been focused on using Shape Coding to develop our writing from one or two word level to simple sentences. We enjoyed writing a recount of our Halloween weekend using BSL grammar structure and then edit it into subject-verb-object sentences using Shape Coding.
Post Cards and Post Codes - LKS2
In Centre 3 we wrote letters to our mainstream teachers telling them all about us. We learnt about the format of a letter and what an address is. We found our homes using our addresses on Google Earth. We then learnt about postcards (purpose and layout) and wrote postcards to send home to our families. We were thrilled to see the postcards arriving at our homes.
Sophisticated Sentences - UKS2
Year 6 child is now no longer attending the Centre and is able to access all subjects of the mainstream curriculum in class with support from Centre staff. She has been enjoying working in mainstream and challenging herself in her writing. The photo shows her using a template to support her with using different sentence structures with sophisticated punctuation. She used these to create effective sentences, to be used in her opening paragraph. Writing based on class text ‘Ghost’.