A Focus on Fractions
All year groups have been focussing on fractions as a part of a whole. Through the use of oracy, real life examples, numbers lines and part-whole models, their fraction sense has supported them to convince themselves of their understanding of a problem, prove it in a written format and refine the process for efficiency.
Parts and Wholes - Reception
Reception have introduced the concept of parts and wholes and have been using the part-whole model as a representation, along with manipulatives to help them do this. They then used their understanding of the part-whole model when finding half of a number.
Focus on Fractions - Year 2
Year 2 have been exploring the vocabulary of part and whole in order to reinforce that a fraction is a part of a whole. Using real life examples and linking them to more abstract representations, the children were able to understand halves and quarters and explore equivalence. Non examples reinforced fractions as equal parts.
Comparing Fractions - Year 4
Year 4 have used the language of equal parts and the whole to compare fraction and mixed numbers on a numberline. Using non-standard partitioning and representations they’ve made generalisations such as ‘When the numerators are the same, the number with the greater denominator will be less’ and ‘If the whole number is the same and the denominators are the same, we can compare the numerators!’
Preparing for SATS Fractions - Year 6
Year 6 have been working in smaller groups to focus in on their SATS fractions targets in revision books. They have been linking their knowledge of fractions with decimals and percentages. Initially, they have revised the arithmetic style questions before tackling multi-stage problems.