History of Places and Events
Across the school, children have been hypothesising and delving into evidence to provide them with answers. They have developed skills in assembling historically valid questions in order to plan challenging enquiries that will support their development as historians and provide an understanding of events that have shaped their place in society.
Transport of Past and Present - EYFS
Following their visit to the Transport Museum, children delved into exploration of transport past and present. Using a range of sources including postcards, artefacts and photographs, Reception used their categorising, oracy and explanation skills. The enquiry encouraged children to make close observations and deductions, as well as promoting reflection on their experiences of how transport plays a role in their own lives as well as how it has evolved over time.
The History of Carnivals - KS1
Following an in-depth exploration into carnivals around the world, children were asked to generate their own questions about the origin of carnival - dating back to ancient Rome’s Saturnalia festival. Children worked democratically to agree on a line of enquiry. They generated questions about a significant woman in history - Claudia Jones - initially using a chronological timeline to arouse their interest and provide a springboard. Autonomy was encouraged, with children making choices in their sources explored (books, technology, video clips, newspaper articles) to support their enquiry research.
Ancient Greece - LKS2
Through examination of a diverse selection of primary and secondary sources, Y4 children have embarked on an enquiry drawing inferences about cultural and social trends within Ancient Greece. This has reinforced their understanding of the geographical region and life within two city-states – Athens and Sparta. Following exploration of historical sources, they proceeded to compare life for those living in a democratic state and those living with an oligarchic government. Subsequently, children were able to reflect on how these differences dominated freedoms and economy growth during this period, and whether they would prefer to have been Spartan or Athenian.
Ancient Maya - UKS2
In developing disciplinary knowledge of an ancient civilisation, Y5 children have reflected on the evidence historians obtain to paint an accurate picture of life for the ancient Maya. Children explored maps and paintings of ruins and sculpture fragments, drawing conclusions and elucidating what they tell us. They discovered that artefacts are tactile expressions of the attitudes and behaviours of the past bringing about change. This immersion evolved in children comparing the Maya to other ancient civilisations; simultaneously, reflecting on other events occurring in the world during the height of their culture.