Sharpening Signing
Children across the school are enjoying BSL with their new BSL tutors! They are all learning new vocabulary and have opportunities to use them in conversation. Children are developing both their receptive and expressive skills by working in pairs as well as small groups.
Jack and the Beanstalk - Reception
Reception have enjoyed learning BSL with Miss Elmi. They are learning all about planting to link to their core text ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. All children are engaged in active BSL lessons to learn new vocabulary linked to different parts of a plant and what plants need to grow. After the lesson they have an opportunity to practice what they have learnt by matching signed graphics to pictures and words. By the end of the year children will design their own plants and label the different parts using signed graphics.
Signing in Pairs - Year 2
Year 2 were focusing on school topics, what they like, don’t like and what they want to be when they are older. The children enjoyed working in pairs to have simple dialogue using BSL grammar order. This allowed them the opportunity to practice their non-manual features (NMF) as well as their receptive skills. They had to focus on what their partner was signing and respond appropriately. It was fantastic watching their videos and seeing how they implemented what they had learnt.
Temporal Language - Year 4
Year 4 enjoyed getting to know their new teacher, Ms Lavender. They started lessons by reviewing their basic conversational skills about their daily routines and asking questions, making sure the question word is at the end of the question. They then learnt about different timelines in BSL to indicate if something is happening in the past, present or future and linked it to their own experiences. In pairs children had the opportunity to sign about their holidays and plans for their weekend.
Mastering Numbers - Year 6
Year 6 have been showing Ms Lavender what fantastic signers they are by working in pairs and having simple conversations about their day. They used the different elements of BSL Level 1 including numbers which can be challenging. Children are confident in using numbers to 1000 in different contexts such as, money, time and age. They will continue to develop their level 1 skills in hope to pass the BSL 101 exam by the end of the academic year.