Maths and English at the Centre
Numbers and Language - Reception
In Reception, centre children enjoy learning in different areas and have made good progress this year. They enjoy counting and subitising numbers to 10. One child was able to use numicons to make 10 in different ways. They also enjoyed joining in with ‘Supertato’ and writing about the evil Pea, focusing on different adjectives to develop their language. BSL lessons were about different superpowers which supported the centre children’s language development and interaction with their peers.
Further Developing Maths and English - Year 1
Centre children in Year 1 have made excellent progress this year and are achieving at age expected. They are able to use their phonics to decode words and develop their reading skills. The development of free writing shows the implementation of phonics in different contexts as well as their language skills. In maths they learnt to count to 100, then were able to count in 2s and are now starting to count in 5s! They worked independently to fill in the missing numbers.
The Final Frontier - Summer 1
This Summer, Centre children enjoyed the topic of ‘Space’ and visiting the Science Museum. The core text was ‘The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot’. We started by creating a story map and then comparing it to ‘The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf’. Children then remembered their favourite traditional tales and created their own story maps changing the setting to space. ‘The Three Aliens Gruff’ had to fly to Planet Cheese to eat all the delicious cheese on it. Finally, we recorded our stories in BSL in front of the green screen and edited them using iMovie.
Fiction and Non-Fiction - Summer 2
In Summer 2, Centre children have been enjoying learning about fiction and non-fiction texts. Our new topic is ‘Water Creatures’ where we are looking at different habitats and which creatures live in them. We are very excited to be going to the London Aquarium to take pictures of our favourite animals and create a fact file on each of them.