Fun and Learning at the Centre
The photos show the centre children happy and settled in different areas of the school. It also shows the language development and progress through the years. Children are encouraged to be independent and make their own communication choices while understanding how different English is to BSL.
Fun and Numbers - Reception
In Reception centre children are integrated full time and are accessing all areas of their learning. They enjoy learning new numbers in maths and counting objects using BSL. On the creative table, they created their own rockets linking to their transport topic. The bottom photo shows two deaf children role playing. One has the phonics cards and is teaching the other one the letters using the BSL alphabet.
Employing Grammar Structures - Centre 1
In Year 1 centre children are accessing all learning in mainstream. They are enjoying cued articulation to access phonics and are able to use it to decode words for their writing. During the ‘Pirates’ topic they enjoyed planning their own story and writing it using English grammar structure. Having Shape Coding in mainstream has been a great support for them, especially to be able to use all those lovely adjectives.
Making Pizza - Randall Palace Centre
In the Centre at Randall Place we have enjoyed practical activities. We made some delicious Pizza’s, reading a recipe, following the instructions and finally being able to eat them! This allowed us to develop both life skills and important vocabulary. We then used the photos to sequence what we had done and write our own recipe. Children are working hard to translate what they sign in BSL to English for their written work.
Storyboarding and Drafting - Royal Hill Centre
In the Centre at Royal Hill we created our own fantastic stories about meeting witches in a sweet shop. The children were asked to plan what happens next. The witches are cruel and the stories are dramatic and scary!
We used our storyboards to plan, and wrote our first drafts using the word banks for inspiration. Then we edited the work using Shape Coding to support our English sentence structures. We have published them and made videos of us signing the stories too.