Approaching Technical Art
A James Wolfe artist is confident, and can experiment and create with a wide range of materials. They have been introduced to a variety of modern and historical artists. A diverse range of artists was studied through the school and parents were invited to view these displays at parents evening.
Creating with Textiles in Nursery
Nursery’s display was inspired by Joan Kendall, a weaver from south london. She creates tapestries that tell parts of her life story. Nursery created tapestries based on their families - each strand representing a different important person in their lives.
Printing with Fruits and Veggies in Year 1
In year 1, children built skills in printing. They explored printing using a variety of fruits and vegetables and classroom items. They then thought carefully about colour and used their final ideas as a background for their self portraits. Their work was inspired by the artist Orla Kiely whose work they studied and discussed at the beginning of this unit of work.
Master Studies in Year 3
Year 3 were inspired by the artist Jean Michel Basquiat who often used oil pastels to create his work. They responded to some of his pieces including his self portrait. They discussed what they liked or disliked and the different types of mediums he used to create his work. They then went on to create a range of backgrounds using oil pastels in muted and accent colours and finally produced their own self portrait using oil pastels and in the abstract style of Jean Michel Basquiat’s work.
Experiencing the Art Process in Year 6
This year 6 display shows the build up of skills through an art learning journey. Children began by responding to art through art appraisal and discussion around themes in art. Sketching techniques using pencil were remembered and revised and then applied to a guided sketch of the eye. Children used chromebooks to take images of their eyes. This allowed them to zoom into details and replicate these when sketching. This was combined with landscape sketching to create a sketched image of an eye linked to our local landscape.