Reasoning and problem solving in maths
Look how we use numbers in Nursery
Nursery have been focusing on numbers to 5. Every child is able to subitise numbers to 5 and can represent 5 using concrete and pictorial representations. The are encouraged to represent their understanding using a range of materials from concrete to abstract. BSL is fed through the learning.
Year 2 were delighted to learn about fractions this term. In order to support engagement and understanding for all children, cake and other edible treats were used to represent the mathematics in relative terms for: wholes, halves, quarters and thirds.
Revise and Remember in maths
Year 3 have learnt about the relationships between the 2, 4 and 8 times tables. In order for all children to achieve this learning, small coherent steps in whole class chanting, mixed ability problem solving using concrete materials to expose the mathematics and focus group pattern finding was delivered.
Angles are everywhere
Year 5 have been learning about the properties of shapes, including naming shapes and identifying angles. In order to support all children's interest and understanding they have made links to their local environment by finding angles in everyday objects and a piece of abstract art by Kandinsky!