Exploring Ideas and Materials

James Wolfe pupils have designed and made high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users. They have understood and identified the purpose of the product and improved their design through analysis and evaluation, using their critical eyes. All children were able to find solutions to problems they faced.

Crafting Diva Lamps in Reception

Reception have been designing and making their own Diva Lamps to celebrate Diwali. They had to think about how to construct their candle and plan their decorative features. They had a range of materials to choose from, inc scissors, sellotape, a paper plate, glue, card and decorative bits n bobs. We discussed its purpose and what we would need for it to be successful. The children shared their experience in group time, evaluating their work and discussing the parts that were tricky to construct.

Matching Materials to Theme in Year 1

In Autumn 2, year 1 plan to make houses out of various resources in connection with their ‘Three Little Pigs’ theme Autumn 2. The children will plan and design their houses to fit the storyline and will evaluate their experience.

Working to Spec in Year 4

Year 4 have been tasked with designing and making a pair of sandals for a Roman man or woman. They discussed the problems faced by Ancient Roman sandal designers and researched the best solutions. They will create multiple designs before evaluating their work and choosing a final outcome. As part of the design process they will create a prototype to ensure their design is fit for purpose.

Lanterns and Landmarks in Year 6

Year 5 worked with Arty Party to create their lanterns in preparation for the lantern parade through Greenwich. They used skills in joining and cutting to create the structures, and then considered aesthetics when designing the outside of the lantern.

Year 5 have also been exploring London landmarks and the work of architects. Using only spaghetti and marshmallows, they were set the task of making one of London landmarks. They had to work strategically to think about the strength of their model and adapt their design to ensure the structure allowed an even distribution of weight.


Staying Safe Online


Approaching Technical Art