Maths across our school
We have developed our understanding of using the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach in mathematics.
Counting group size in Nursery
We are proud of counting how many children are in our class every morning and afternoon. We are starting to group the days of the week that we are in school and the days that are the weekend.
Concrete, pictorial, abstract work in Year 2
We have used pictorial representations to support us with the CPA approach to multiplication of numbers up to 100. We used counters and then started to use pictorial representations and number sentences in order to show how multiplication is repeated addition.
Finding all the possibilities in Year 3
group numbers in order to show systematic reasoning. We have used repeated addition to check our multiplications and have started to use our knowledge of these number facts to divide.
Informal method for multiplying and dividing in Year 5
We have used the CPA approach to help us understand the formal method for multiplication and division. We used counters to represent the number sentences, then we drew pictorial representations and finally we used the formal method. This has helped us understand that repeated addition is the same as multiplication and repeated subtracted is the same as division. We also understand multiplication and division are inverse operations, which has helped us in our problem solving and reasoning.