Keeping fit
Examples of our learning over time show the progression of Striking/Fielding Games through the school from EYFS to Year 6. Through Games, children can learn a variety of important skills such as critical thinking, creativity, teamwork and good sporting behaviour. They also develop the children’s wider understanding of the benefits of improved muscle tone and strength, increased aerobic fitness, better coordination, agility and flexibility.
Throwing and catching
In this picture you can see the children of Apple Tree preparing to work on their accuracy when throwing. Through Specialist cricket coaching they have learnt how to throw an object at a target and how to effectively strike a ball using a bat.
Fielding skills
In this image you can see the children working on their fielding of a ball during a game of cricket. They have also learnt how to strike a ball with more power and accuracy whilst being introduced to the rules of cricket.
Tactics in cricket
In Year 4, children have been practicing and improving their cricket skills. They have focused on communication, collaboration and competing in teams, following the rules of a game. They have worked on consistently striking a ball with a bat, as well as choosing appropriate tactics to cause problems for the opposition.
Working on racquet skills
As the children progress into upper Key Stage 2, their movements become increasingly controlled. It is fantastic to see that the children are beginning to perform skills with accuracy, control and confidence at speed. They are also beginning to use forehand and backhand strokes in racquet games with confidence.