Being scientific

Completing investigations is an important part of our science curriculum. The photos show some of the science topics that we have explored. As we conduct our experiments we ask questions, compare our findings and think about how we need to structure our investigations to make them fair.

Melting ice

Children in Nursery have been exploring ice. Whilst playing with the ice, the children compared the size and mass of the ice blocks. They also discussed between themselves what would happen if they put it in their pockets. Would it disappear like magic or would it melt?

Exploring senses

Year 1 investigated their sense of touch by exploring objects hidden inside boxes. The children described and compared how the object felt and used this information to predict what each object was.

Fair testing

Year 4 have been carrying out investigations based upon their learning of the water cycle. Pupils have begun to consider the importance of making their experiments a fair test. They have identified different variables involved in an investigation and thought about which variables they will change (independent), which will need to be kept the same (controlled) and which variable they will measure (dependent).

Making circuits

Year 6 used their knowledge of independent, dependent and controlled variables to set up an investigation on electricity. Whilst keeping all other variables consistent, they changed the length of the wires in a circuit to see what impact this would have on the brightness of the bulb. After completion of the experiment, pupils were able to reflect upon the reliability and validity of their experiment and suggest further investigations based upon this.


Year 5 trip to the Horniman Museum


Keeping fit