We love numbers
We have continued to develop our understanding of using the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach to Mastery in maths with a particular focus on the use of concrete materials across all topics.
Subitising in Reception
Children in Reception played a game to match the number rolled on a dice with the corresponding Numicon piece. They recognised the number on the dice without counting (subitising).
Numbers bonds in Year 1
Children in Year 1 have been using the Rekenrek to practice their number bonds. They are able to use their knowledge of perceptual subitising to help them to do this.
Telling the time using cubes
Children in Year 4 have been using groups of cubes to represent a clock with 5 minute intervals. The cubes started as a number line with 12 lots of 5. Then they moved the number line into a circle shape to match a clock. When they recapped telling the time to 1 minute intervals, they separated the cubes into ones.
Concrete materials in Year 6
Children in Year 6 have been using concrete resources (diennes, counters, cubes etc) to support their SATS revision. When working out the answer to this question they were able to partition all three numbers and use their number bonds to help them fill in the missing boxes.