Exploring our beliefs
In the summer term, our thread has been religious places of worship. Our children had the opportunity to describe their appearance, find out about what happens inside and compare different denominations and faiths.
Features of a mosque
Year 1 have been learning about Islam. They have looked at Islamic worship and the features of a Mosque, as well as the way that Muslims worship at home. They began to explore some of the rituals associated with worship, such as the practice of Wudu.
Four Nobel Truths
Year 2 have been learning about the Buddha and the Buddha’s teachings of the Four Noble truths. The children learnt about the significant features and objects that can be found in a Buddhist temple. They were also challenged to consider the similarities and differences between a Buddhist temple and a church.
Our visit to a Gurdwara
This term, Year 4 learned about Sikhism - in particular, what happens in the Gurdwara and the importance of the Guru Granth Sahib in the Gurdwara. In this activity, the children were asked to label the parts of the Gurdwara, what each part represents and how each part is used.
Different denominations within Christianity
Year 5 were lucky enough to visit South Street Baptist Church this summer. The pastor and other leaders in the church were extremely helpful in showing the children the various parts of the building and in answering the children’s questions. This visit supported Year 5’s learning about different denominations within Christianity.