The Pen is Greater

A new handwriting scheme was introduced to all year groups earlier in the term. Teachers have begun to implement in their classrooms with children practising their handwriting throughout the week. In the earlier years children

Forming Letters - EYFS

In EYFS children have been learning how to form their letters correctly in print form. They use a mantra associated with each of their phonic sounds for consistency across handwriting and phonics. Each week the children participate in a fine motor skills carousel, alongside many fine and gross motor activities in their learning, which builds their muscles to support good handwriting. 

Practising Cursive - KS1

 Across KS1 children have been introduced to a cursive handwriting style. The children have practised forming individual letters correctly and the impact is shining through in their writing and presentation.

Fluent Handwriting - Year 4

In year 4 children are applying top and bottom joins in their handwriting. They are building fluency through dictated sentences using these joins. Building fluency in handwriting lessons will reduce cognitive overload when it comes to writing.

Developing Own Style - Year 5 & 6

Across Year Five and Six children has been continuing to practise a cursive style, building on their skills from LKS2. Some children who needed interventions have focused on individual letter formation and individual joins, showing substantial progress.


Locations and Mapping


Solving and Creating