Comparing and Handling Numbers

We aim to ensure our mathletes are familiar with the concept of equivalence and to focus on the correct use of comparative language, as well as use of mathematical symbols (<, = and >).

Quantity Comparisons in Reception

Reception: Compare numbers to 5. Comparing numbers involves knowing which numbers are worth more or less than each other. This understanding underpins the mental number line which children will develop later, which represents the relative value of numbers, i.e. how much bigger or smaller they are than each other.

Comparing Numbers to 100 with Year 2

Yr 2 : compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs. Building on the children’s understanding of of the value of numbers, children are able to see the pattern of 1-10 repeated through the place value of numbers to 100. A particular emphasis on crossing 10 helps break down misconceptions.

Working with Four Digit Numbers in Year 4

Year 4 - Comparing and ordering 4-digit numbers using <, > and = signs. Year 4 have been exploring efficient methods to compare and order numbers to 10,000. Children were asked to explore their understanding through a wide variety of representations and celebrate their understanding through summative testing.

Simplification and Fractions with Year 6

Year 6: Simplifying, comparing and ordering proper & improper fractions using <, > and = signs. Year 6 were invited to spend cross curricular time in English to reason their answers to comparison questions in full. This enabled them to grasp new technical language linked to fractions and to answer in an effective and efficient manner.


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