Languages and Cultures
In these photos, we can see a clear progression of skills across both campuses with a variety of tasks that are targeted to the year group and individual learners. Through this, all children are able to access MFL lessons. Often showing high levels of enthusiasm and excitement for their learning.
Different Families and Languages with Reception
This reception began their language learning journey through a focus on their understanding of the world and their place in it. They use their learning books(e.g Every house on Every Street) to discuss differences in their families and between themselves, often leading to an in depth discussion about what different languages they know and where their families are from.
Spanish Language and Culture with Year 1
This year one class have explored their language learning through cross curricular opportunities in the classroom. They began by looking at different countries around the world that spoke Spanish and the differences in culture between England and Spain. They used their remember and revise skills to practise their salutations and answer questions orally. The children took the opportunity to improve their speaking skills through conversing with their peers and showcasing what they have learnt with others. It was lovely to see the children engaged and excited and their knowledge of a different language, as well as having the confidence to speak in front of others.
Fun With French in Year 3
This year three class have been using their knowledge of vocabulary in French to build their conversational skills both in speaking and then developing this into a written piece. The clear sequence of learning within the lessons mean that all children were able to engage and build on their previous learning. They began with oral speaking practise with their peers on the carpet which led to group table vocabulary learning and discussion. The children were then confident to use the skills they had learnt to develop their writing- first as single words, then sentences to build into whole paragraphs! Amazing!
Further French with Year 6
This Year six class have been demonstrating their skills and progression through their learning sequences this term. The children have been encouraged to used the different opportunities available to them to practise vocabulary during register time, lesson starters and activities. Once they are confident with the vocabulary they begin building conversations and practising these orally with their peers. After this focus on oracy skills and vocabulary, the children are then able to build sentences and then into more complicated writing paragraphs focusing on grammatical and spelling skills.