Peak Physical Performance
The learning below shows the development of ball skills and gymnastics across the school. Through cricket, children have been developing their throwing and catching skills. There has been progress between phases where children have been learning the very basics in how to hold a ball right through to applying their skills in a group size game/match. Through gymnastics, children have been developing their balancing, movement and sequencing. From learning what a balance is to incorporating balances into a devised sequence.
Staying Balanced - EYFS
EYFS have been developing their balance and core strength through weekly yoga lessons. They have been learning the art of balancing on two feet then transferring the skill to balancing on 1 foot. They have learnt the importance of patience and perseverance when balancing and how they can use the rest of their body to support them. For example using their arms to support their balancing.
Catching and Throwing - KS1
In cricket , children have been learning how throw and catch the ball individually and in small groups. They have learnt how to maximise their catching space with their hands by making the ‘basket shape’. By throwing and catching over shorter distances, children have been able to build their confidence in these skills
In fitness the children have been working in small groups, practising and discussing exercises that work specific muscles on their bodies.
Warm Up, Cool Down - LKS2
In cricket children have been learning about spacial awareness, and improving their throwing and catching. They have also been developing their knowledge of the rules of the game.In fitness children have been talking about the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after exercising. They have also actively doing exercises that work more than one part of the body in one move.
Being a Well Rounded Athlete - UKS2
In cricket, children have been learning the rules of how to play the game and apply their new skills to small sided matches and scenarios. In gym, pupils participate in warm up, cooldown muscle strengthening and stretching. They build on cardiovascular fitness as well as their strength and flexibility