The photographs celebrate our whole school project which married history and computing. James Wolfe pupils had to research and present their own historical enquiries using year group specific computing skills which ranged from creating multi-paged slideshows to understanding copyright.
Patterns on the computer
In EYFS we have continued to reinforce pattern making which we covered in the previous term. Additionally, the children have been creating pictures related to our school project “where in the world?”. These included London landmarks, such as Big Ben and the London Eye.
Touch typing
In Year 2 the children have been using the chromebooks to practice typing. Additionally, they have used search engines such as Kiddle, KidRex and Swiggle for research to answer their History whole school project question: How has London changed as a result of The Great Fire of London?
Safe searching
In Year 3 the children have been using search engines such as Kiddle, KidRex and Swiggle for research to answer their History whole school project. Additionally, they have used scratch to program short animations accompanying music they composed themselves.
Exploring online sources
Upper Key Stage 2 discovered what computer networks are and discussed online rights in more depth, such as copyright and ownership when exploring different online sources.