Comment ca va?
This term we are celebrating our strong progress in developing our vocabulary skills by greeting our peers and teachers in another language. We have been working on becoming confident in speaking French and Spanish through making MFL a daily part of our lives.
What language can you speak?
Reception pupils have had their first introduction to languages by learning to say hello and goodbye in both French and Spanish and using these daily. In their topic, they have been learning about what makes them unique as well as celebrating where their families come from. Through this, they have learned that many of them speak different languages at home and have had the opportunity to share the words that they know with each other.
European Day of Languages
In Year 2, pupils have been learning French and Spanish salutations and using these regularly throughout the day to consolidate their vocabulary skills. The children celebrated European Day of Languages by exploring the different countries and languages in Europe; they reflected on which languages they already know, would like to learn and reasons why this would benefit them in the future. These included enabling them to communicate with different communities and cultures as well as increasing job opportunities.
Writing key questions and phrases
In Year 3, the children developed their knowledge of salutations by learning additional vocabulary and building their confidence orally in discussions using the correct pronunciations. They have continued to consolidate this by translating key questions and phrases in writing. They compared the French and English sentence structures which assisted them in understanding word order and their translation skills.
We love our multicultural country
In Year 6, students have been discussing the importance of home and school communities and how they bring us closer together. In their discussions, they have been learning about the diverse range of languages they all speak at home. Their topic of migration and a trip to the Migration Museum gave the children the opportunity to explore how diverse the U.K is in its languages and multiculturalism. They discussed how this has had an impact on the foods we eat and the products we buy. In lessons, the pupils have been learning how to meet and greet each other in both French and Spanish and how to accurately pronounce salutations and phrases in order to communicate effectively in another language.