Reception Summer Challenges

It all begins with giving something a try…

Have a go at completing as many of these challenges during the next 6 weeks. Don’t forget to take some photos of you showing perseverance as you practise mastering them. We will look forward to seeing and hearing about your successes when we meet in September.

Teacher Welcome videos

Can you find your class teacher and class name below? Watch their video to find out a little more about them and what they would like you to bring with you on your first day in September with us.

Reception adults

Here are the photos of the adults who will be there to support you in September and those you will see on a daily basis in and around the school.

Welcome to Reception

Our current Reception pupils are going to take you on a tour of your new classroom, Orchard and Garden spaces.

Lime Tree

Ms Parish tells us about herself and welcomes you to Lime Tree class

Mrs Cutts tells us about herself and welcomes you to Lime Tree class.

Cherry tree

Miss Syrocki tells us about her special things and welcomes you to Cherry Tree.

Peach Tree

Mr Keenan tells us about himself and welcomes you to Peach Tree class.

Mango Tree

Miss Nutley tells us about herself and welcomes you to Mango Tree class.

Miss Nutley reads us a story…