Signing: Simple to Super
An enthusiastic James Wolfe BSL learner is one who learns new signs and develops their understanding of the language. They use it in different situations, interacting with deaf peers and adults throughout the day. This is partnered with developing their knowledge of deaf awareness, culture and history to make our community an inclusive and accepting place for all.
Daily Routines - Reception
In Reception children have settled in to their weekly lessons with their new BSL teacher and have learnt how to get a deaf person's attention by tapping and waving. They have been learning signs linked to their daily routine, such as outside play, line up, tidy up.
Fingerspelling - Year 1
In Year 1 children have been learning how to fingerspell the alphabet. They are focusing on using the correct handshapes for each letter and the correct hand (their dominant hand, not switching between left and right)
Ask and Answer in BSL - Year 4
Yr 4 can now discuss the school day and their routines in BSL. They practised telling a 4 part story sequence in BSL. They were able to conduct a conversation in pairs. They could ask each other their names, sign names, where your family is from, their favourite subjects in school and what time they wake up in the mornings to come to school. These paired conversations were filmed at the end of the half term.
Adding Flavour to the Message - Year 5
Year 5 learnt the BSL signs for London Landmarks. This was linked to their class topic. They learnt to describe each famous landmark using a wide range of adjectives, and the children learnt to use non manual features to convey extra information (eg the building is really really tall is conveyed with puffed out cheeks and extra emphasis in their signing).