Understanding the Natural World
The photos below show the children performing fair tests as part of ‘working scientifically’. Through conducting their own experiments and testing their hypotheses, they have developed a greater understanding of scientific concepts, such as water resistance, changes in state and properties of materials. Having practical, hands-on experience enabled the children to acquire the correct terminology, to answer their own questions and to understand how the topic relates to the world around them, for example, why boats are shaped the way they are or why an ice cream melts whilst eating it.
Early Momentum with Nursery
In Nursery children have been leading their own investigations. They noticed that the cars move faster if they start at the top of the ramp. They then tested which of the toy cars rolled the fastest down the ramp.
Manipulating Materials with Year 2
This term, Year 2 have been studying the uses of everyday materials. This picture shows the children investigating whether materials can be manipulated to change shape through twisting, stretching, squashing and bending. They found out that objects made from the same materials can have different properties, and can be manipulated in different ways.
Rocks Rock in Year 3
This term, Year 3 became Petrologists and investigated the different properties of rocks. They were then able to use a flowchart to group them into Sedimentary, Metamorphic, and Igneous rocks.
Hydrodynamics with Year 5
During an investigation into forces, Year 5 made their own boats and tested how quickly they sailed from one end of the water to the other. They found out that streamlined shapes move the quickest due to the least resistance.