A Helping Hand With English
These images show phonics teaching across all year groups. In EYFS and KS1 children participate in daily phonics lessons. Children are continually supported throughout their schooling with high quality effective interventions to rapidly catch up with children.
Applying Sounds in Reception
In Reception children are beginning to apply the sounds they have learnt when reading their first books!
Keeping Pace with Phonics in KS1
Children in KS1 are progressing through the phonics programme with great pace. Children are regularly assessed to ensure individualised interventions are put into place supporting them to keep up with their whole-class learning.
Rapid Catch-Ups in LKS2
Children who have been identified as needing additional support in phonics were placed on a Rapid Catch Up programme to ensure they secure their phonic knowledge. Children are making good progress in these groups which is evident in their assessments.
Interventions and Support in UKS2
We have daily interventions run by a trained ‘Phonics Champion’ who delivers short interventions to close the gap in children’s phonic knowledge. EAL children are supported through 1:1 teaching to accelerate their reading skills.