The theme we followed across our school was about living in the wider world.
Reception have learnt the importance of having a healthy lifestyle including learning about food choices, exercise and good oral hygiene practices. They can describe their own emotions and consider the feelings of others. They have shown their learning through restorative justice conversations and begun to understand when it is appropriate to involve an adult.
In Year 2, the children understand what money is and its different forms e.g. coins, notes, and ways of paying for things e.g. debit cards, electronic payments. The children know that people are paid money for the job they do and know how to recognise the difference between needs and wants.
In year 3, the children know about a variety of jobs and understand that people can have more than one job at once or over their lifetime. The children appreciate that jobs may change with circumstances and opportunities and understand the impact it has on their lives and others.
Children identify jobs that they might like to do in the future and understand the role ambition can play in achieving a future career. The children know how or why someone might choose a certain career and what might influence people’s decisions about a job or career. Children in Year 5 understand the importance of diversity and inclusion to promote people’s career opportunities and consider stereotyping in the workplace, its impact and how to challenge it.